Also known as the third molar, the wisdom tooth can appear at different ages: in some people, wisdom teeth grow during the teenage years, while in other people wisdom teeth don't appear until they reach their late 20s. Wisdom tooth removal is a very common dental procedure and it is usually performed when the tooth becomes impacted or it starts to grow sideways.
Wisdom tooth removal can help remove pain & free up space in a patient's mouth.
There are many reasons why patients opt for wisdom tooth removal. Common reasons for wisdom tooth extractions include:
Bleeding gums caused by the wisdom tooth not having enough room to grow
Wisdom teeth erupting horizontally inside the jaw
Wisdom tooth ache
Wisdom tooth infection
The wisdom tooth only erupting partially (which can also cause pain)
Crowed area around the wisdom tooth which leads to gum disease
For some patients, none of these issues will ever be present as wisdom teeth affect us all differently. However, if you have severe pain in the back of your mouth, it is likely being caused by a wisdom tooth.
So, how and when should patients deal with wisdom tooth pain?
Some dentists recommend their patients to have their wisdom teeth extracted even before the root is formed: the younger the patient, the easier and less painful the procedure. However, if the tooth has started to emerge already and the patient experiences repeated gum infections, mouth pain, tooth decay or damage to the nearby teeth, then then immediate removal is recommended, no matter what age you may be.
Brite Dental dentists are highly experienced at the process of wisdom tooth removal.
Give us a call today if you feel like you could benefit or are in need of wisdom tooth extraction.
As mentioned above, wisdom teeth can cause a lot of pain and unwanted issues in the mouth, gums and jaw. Removing the troublesome wisdom tooth will give patient's pain relief, among many other benefits depending on their individual situation.
Wisdom tooth removal could benefit you in a number of ways, such as:Being able to chew easier
Removal of any pain or bleedingLowering the risk of gum disease or infection
Freeing up space in your mouth and avoiding over-crowding Improving oral health
Helping improve your teeth's allignment
Avoiding lengthy and pricey orthodontic treatments further down the road
Choosing an experienced and trustworthy dentist for the removal of the wisdom tooth is paramount, as it is crucial for you to feel as comfortable as possible when undergoing wisdom tooth removal.
The skilled, highly experienced dentists at Brite Dental can make sure that the entire wisdom tooth removal procedure goes smoothly, quickly and with minimal discomfort for the patient.
If you would like to remove your wisdom teeth, contact your local Brite Dental practice today and book an appointment with our clinical team.